Thursday, June 18, 2015

Readings for HW

Since the portal is down and you can't access the readings, I've uploaded them to my Google Drive and you can find links to them below.  Two access the first two links, you need to be logged into your Gmail account -- the same one you're using to post your personal blog.

  1. Everything's an Argument: Rhetorical Analysis
  2. Everything's an Argument: Finding Evidence
  3. Bunn's How to Read Like a Writer 

Remember, the draft of your interview questions is due next week (June 25th) and these readings that I've assigned -- and each assignment, i.e., the artifact analysis -- are all designed to help you think through each step of this course paper/project.

The course is picking up full steam now, so it's super-important that you get/stay on the ball and successfully complete all of your work.  

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